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Amazing Interesting facts about Computer Information

Amazing Interesting facts about computer Information

amazing Interesting facts about computer Information
       In today's world, the use of computers is very important. Use of computers has started happening almost everywhere in school, in banks, in science. Today there are around 3 billion computers in the world. Let us give you some amazing information about computers.

* Computer Full Form *

C= Common
O= Oriented
M= Machine
P= Particularly
U= United and used under
T= Technical and
E= Educational
R= Research

Amazing Interesting facts about computer Information 

1. The word 'Computer' was first used in 1613 for a human who was capable of calculating mathematics.

2 . The word Computer has its origin in the English language word 'Compute' which means 'to calculate'.

3. You'd be surprised to know that the first computer bug was a dead insect.

4. The first computer mousse was made of wood which was made in 1964 by Doug Engelbart.

5. The name of the world's first electronic digital computer is " Adjudication or ENIAC ".

6. The world's first Hard Disk, which was created in 1979, could only store 5 MB of data.

7. Machine language was first used in computer programs.

8. Earlier all computers were based on DOS.

9. Charles Babbage invented all the computer parts in 1833.

10. The world's first computer program was written by a woman named 'Ads Lovelace'.

11. About 6,000 new computer viruses are created every month.

12. Computers were called "Electronic Brains" around 1950.

13. A person blinks 20 times in 1 minute but only 7 times when sitting in front of a computer.

14. The longest word written by any one line of a keyboard is 'Typewriter'.

15. The sounds that come up when Windows starts are made using the Apple Mac.

16. Windows was originally named Interface Manager.

17. Siddhartha was the first computer that was built in India and 'Param 8000' was the first super computer that was built in India. This super computer was built in 1991 by Vijay Bhatkar.

18. "Siddhartha" is the first computer manufactured in India.

19. The first computer in India was established by Electronic Corporation of India in 1967 -

20. Computers came to India in 1952 .. Established by Dwijish Dutta 'at the Indian Statistical Institute in Kolkata.

21. The first Hard Disk of 1 GB weighed equal to a crocodile and cost $ 40000. It was made in 1980.

22. Hitachi was the first company to produce 1 TB ie 1000 GB Hard Disk. Who made it in 2007.

23. The first microprocessor was built by the Intel company in 1971. This processor, named Intel 4004, was designed for a calculator whose maximum clock rate was only 740KHz.

24. The card game (Solitaire) was first introduced to a computer in 1990.

25. There is no computer that can solve Captcha automatically.(CAPTCHA) has a full form - "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell computers and Humans Apart")

26. 9 out of every 10 supercomputers run on linux instead of windows. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter are all running on linux.

27. 86% percent people try to reverse USB.

28. Mosaic was the first Internet browser that became very popular in 1993.

29. The first domain server was named

30. About 1.8 billion people are connected to the Internet but only 450 million people can use the Internet.

31 Floppy disks were first used for data exchange.

32. The world's first computer virus named 'Elk Cloner' was mocked in 1982 by Rich Skrenta, a 15-year-old American child.

33 The first computer virus was created by two Pakistani brothers, the virus named 'Brain' was created by two Pakistani brothers Basit and Amjad fharuk Alvi in January 1986, the first virus created for Windows and not the first computer virus in the world.

34. First of all programmable computer, it was created by Konrad Jhus from Germany between 1936 and 1938, whose name was 'Z1'. Now if we talk about electronic digital computer first, then it was made between 1943 and 1946 by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckart which was named 'ENIAC'.

35. Every year 30 december is celebrated as ‘Computers Security Day’.

36. Every year 2 december is celebrated as Computer Literacy Day.

37. Bill Gates' home map was designed with Apple's Macintosh computer.

38. 9 out of 10 super computers work on Linux.

39. More than 80% of the mail that is sent daily goes to spam mail.

40. Around 30,000 websites are hacked every day.

41. Every month, 1 million domains are registered.

42. HP, Microsoft and Apple have one thing in common that all three started in the garage.

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