What is computer ? How does it work ?
Today's era is the era of computer and life without computer is incomplete, you have only known what is computer but there are many such things related to computer.
There are many reasons why a computer is used so much by the computer that you can do any task very quickly. That is why today computers are seen in education, banking, business, hospital, etc.
What is a computer?
Computer is an electronic device designed to work with information or information that can perform any task very quickly and in a short time. The computer was initially created for computation only, but as changes were made to it, different devices were added so its work became even better and even bigger.
The computer mainly works in three steps which are called input, process and output.
The input is called the step in which any data is given to the computer through the input device and then it processes the given input according to the program instruction and finally returns the output from it as output.
Computer Definition
The computer takes raw information (data) from one end, stores it, then processes this information and then the results are released on the other end.
The computer modifies the data entered by the user and returns the result as output.
A computer is an electronic machine that processes information - in other words, it is an information processor
A computer is a machine or device that processes, calculates, and operates based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program.
Compute Full Form
What do computer parts work
Whenever you type from a keyboard or click with a mouse, you are giving input to the computer on which it is processing.
Memory / storage:-
When you create any document, it is first stored in RAM, which is a temporary memory. When you save the document, it gets stored on a hard drive like Permanent Memory.
Your computer's processor (CPU-Central Processing Unit) is a microchip, which is located on the motherboard.
You can view or print the output of the computer on your monitor. Monitors and printers are output devices.
The computer has two main parts
Hardware :-
The hardware comes with physical parts of the computer, including peripheral devices like motherboards, memory, storage, communication devices and other keyboard mice.
Software :-
Software means computer instructions or data. Anything that can be stored electronically is software, in contrast to storage devices and display devices which are called hardware.
Examples of software include (Operating System)OS (Windows, Mac), web browsers, games, and word processors etc.
There are two types of software - system software and application software.
Types of Computers
The five basic types of computers are as under:
1. Super computer.
2. Mainframe Computer.
3. Mini computer.
4. Micro computer.
5. PC (Personal Computer)